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Ansible Roles / Server Base
MIT LicenseRole to install and configure a minimum version of a base-server
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Ansible Roles / SSL certs
MIT LicenseThis role create SSL certificates using OpenSSL or Let's Encrypt
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Ansible Roles / Icinga
MIT LicenseAnsible role to install/configure a Icinga monitoring server
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3D models / Printable Projects
MIT LicenseCollections of third party projects ready to be 3D printed
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vandalsWeb / Builder Container DIND for Molecule
MIT LicenseServer image based on official stable Docker in Docker image for Molecule tests on Ansible roles
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Ansible Roles / Iptables
MIT LicenseInstall and configure a Netfilter Iptables firewall and its rules.
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Ansible Roles / Bind
MIT LicenseAnsible role to install and configure a DNS server based on the Bind daemon
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vandalsWeb / Builder Container Debian Stable
MIT LicensePacker template to build a Docker image of Debian stable (with systemd)
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Ansible Roles / Docker
MIT LicenseAnsible role to install/configure a Docker daemon, and (optionally) a set of containers
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BhEaN / Postman API collections
MIT LicenseSome API collections in JSON format to sync (import/export) with Postman
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Ansible Roles / NUT
MIT LicenseThis Ansible role manage the installation/configuration of the Network UPS tools (NUT)
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BhEaN / Raycast Script Commands
MIT LicenseScripts to run directly into the Raycast launcher
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